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Oil on linen

96" x 78"

The Assasination

  • "On the night, January 10, 1929, three bullets kill Julio Mella, the young head of the Cuban Communist Party in exile, while walking with his lover, Tina Modotti on the street in Mexico City. Tina Modotti implicated in his death is released from five days of interrogation as no decision is rendered in her case. A month later, she movies in with Vitorio Vidali, the probable assassin of Mella,  and later the assassin of hundreds of socialists, anarchists and syndicalists in Spain. Tina lived with Vidali, always in fear, for 20 years dying of a "heart attack" in a taxi in Mexico city.

  • Please contact us for a shipping and handling quote. Free delivery for all work within San Miguel de Allende city limits.

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